They danced under incandescent light
Facing each other
Looking deeply into their eyes
She wore a beautiful white dress
He an elegant suit of the same color
She began to approach him
And he to her
Besieged arms around his neck
While her eyes were all his sight
She began to feel something sharp, cold
And yet ever so hot
Unyielding and vehement
A stab pained, as their lips closer ached
He squeezed tightly
Crimson passion cascaded
From his suit as her dress
A double-edged sword told
Listened its beautiful and soft feel
Her lips quivered
She let her tears free
Her smile unscathed
As she listened to the melody
Dancing with him
His became hers
And hers his
They died happy
Gabriela Carías is a student at Rafael Landívar University pursuing a B.A. in Communication in Guatemala City, Guatemala.