Time changing faces. Unfamiliar, clumsy time. Eavesdropping time listening through walls. Nosey time asking personal questions. Bullying time pushing you around. Sarcastic time in your face. Time with wings and flying teeth Time is the salesman knocking on doors. Psychotic time searching for victims. Schizophrenic time with many faces. Bushwhacking time hiding in the trees. Time comes packaged like a present at birth. Time is a note passed on at death. Time is either black or white. No in between. And sinister time sneaking around corners. Time is the demon we all must deal with. Time is traffic stacked up bumper to bumper. Time is flying down the interstate by yourself. Time takes no hostages because everyone is a prisoner. Time is not love or hate or anything in between. It is Lord and master of the house. Time never says a word but always has a voice. Time could be music from the mouth of God, or the devil’s hot breath on the back of your neck. Time is the restless child of the heart. Time takes flight and you’re carried away.
Dirk James was born in San Francisco, CA in 1949. He briefly attended SFSU in ’69 & ’70 . He got married to a beautiful and very understanding girl.They raised four wonderful kids in Alameda. He is a retired cab driver living in San Leandro, California.